The Bishop A. L. Hardy Academy of Theology

Our Founders

The Bishop A. L. Hardy Academy of Theology is a private school with an emphasis on spiritual development and growth. The Bishop A. L. Hardy Academy of Theology has been in the forefront of spiritual development and we are proud to continue that tradition today, carrying on the teaching and mentoring skills taught by Bishop A. L. Hardy our founder and spiritual leader with a focus on spiritual growth and development in the 21st century world.


Founder/bishop a. l. hardy

(Sunset Aug 14, 2020)

Bishop A. L. Hardy accepted his rest in the Lords Arms August 14. 2020. He and his lovely wife Dr. Gladys Hardy founded and pastored The Rose of Sharon Pentecostal Temple and The Bishop A. L. Hardy Academy of Theology for many years. He lead by example, and mentored as many as he could in the Pacific Northwest.


Founder/Educator Dr. Gladys Hardy

                                (SUNSET APRIL 29, 2023)

Dr. Gladys Hardy, the loving wife of Bishop A.L. Hardy,served right along the side of her late Husband Bishop A. L. Hardy for 65 years. A Professional Trained Singer, a Gospel Recording Artist, She studied music, lead many choirs in the disicipline of vocal and note reading as an Educator, Mentor, and Minister of Music in delivering the Gospel in song. She blessed the souls of all from the Continent of the United States, Canada, to Egypt. She stood ready to shared the Word of Gospel in Word as through singing and playing of the piano or organ. Today, she takes life easy and enjoy the blessing of God.

You will find the latest information about the classes we offer on our home page. Our school is constantly evolving and growing. We provide wide range of classes. Our mission is to help you grow spiritually and develop into a mature christian.Our mission is to provide best solution that helps everyone. If you want to contact us, please fill the contact form on our website. We wish you a good day!



The Washington Student Achievement Council has determined that Bishop A.L. Hardy Academy of Theology qualifies for religious exempt status from the Degree-Granting Institutions Act for the following programs: Associate of Theology in Religious Education (A.Th.), Bachelor of Theology in Religious Education (B.Th.), Master of Theology in Religious Education (M.Th.), Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.), and Doctor of Theology (D.Th.).  The Council makes no evaluation of the administration, faculty, business practices, financial conditions, or quality of the offerings of this institution.  Any person desiring information about the requirements of the act or the applicability of those requirements to the institution may contact the Council at P.O. Box 43430, Olympia, WA 98504-3430, or by email at